Friday 1 July 2016


Hello !! How are you ? Hope you guys are in a good health   ^_^ .
Okay, today we have decided to update a traditional dance in Malaysia. The dance that we are talking about is Zapin. In Asia, many people don't know what is it. That's why we want to story a bit about the dance.


Zapin is a traditional dance of Malay that was most popular in Malaysia. It is believe that has been introduced by Arab,Muslim missionaries from the Middle East in the fourteenth century. The dancers usually perform in pairs and are accompanied by a traditional music ensemble which normally consists of the Gambus,Accordian,Rebab,Marwas,Rebana and Dok. It was also introduced to singapore and brunei before the colonial days of singapore. It was believed that it was introduced to singapore in 1937.

Zapin Dance

Zapin  dance used to be perfomed primarily for religious ceremonies but as time past by it has become a form of traditional entertaiment. Now, there's many forms of Zapin dance and all of it have been changed choreographically from the originals. Among the new "evolved" zapin is Zapin Tengliu from Mersing,Johor,Malaysia. It is said this kind of zapin were created by the fishermen that always gone fishing and within their leisure time on the sea they dance on their big boats or ships follow the flow of the sea waze. If we looked at this Zapin Tengliu, we could say that the dancers dance with their hands holding,gripping the ropes while the body moving around it.

The Interesting Zapin at wedding ceremony

Okay that's all for this week. If you want to know about other dance, so stay tuned !!

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